
Claudia Romo Edelman, Founder at We Are All Human


Episode notes


In episode 164, Kerel talks with Claudia Romo Edelman, Founder at We Are All Human, a non-profit organization that has a single purpose to remind people that we belong to the same human family. Claudia was born in Mexico City to two parents, both basketball players, she was surrounded by strong females, learned discipline and other successful traits, moved to Europe to work with the UN, and then eventually moved to America. For the first time in her life, she learned what Hispanic was, why people called her that and the ramifications of shame, embarrassment and other negative connotations that came from that.

Since starting her career, Claudia has had a massive impact, not only on the Hispanic community, but also other minority communities in helping them uncover and use their authentic power. Claudia claims she is not an activist, but a factivist - a person who fights for societal change based on facts and data. She has discovered that groups historically known as the minority in the United States are transforming into the majority, why companies should pay attention to them and how much buying power they have, and how those in the Hispanic community can be a voice for their community as they move into senior positions at top corporations. Claudia has so many resources to help those in minority groups find their power and make a difference including her foundation, her A LA LATINA podcast, the Hispanic Leadership Summit, the Hispanic Star and more.

“Make no mistake, we are going in that direction of minorities actually being majorities. And winners will be those that put their strategies around understanding how everybody wants to be able to be all themselves, their full selves everywhere they go.”

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A LA LATINA podcast

We Are All Human Foundation

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